Dis-moi dix mots (Branding & Identity, 2016)
The French Ministery of Culture and Communication is celebrating the week of the French language and Francophonie. If modern French is spoken and written since the seventeenth century, it is interesting to see its adaptation to technological contexts in constant evolution. One element of the communication is the use of the Visual typeface (designed by Jan Novák), a "semi-pixel font inspired by topography".
Collaboration with Emilie Vitali
We have chosen to focus our communication on three components allowing a complementary lecture. They accompany us daily in our use of the Internet: the window, the pixel and the icon. Each of the graphic elements plays a role in the communication of the event and interacts with each other: support or frame of research (window), visual (pixel) and affective (icons). These codes, easily identifiable, allow everyone to appropriate them, whatever their level of knowledge in the computer field is.
Together with the publisher of the French national education - Canopé - we worked on a series of ten posters illustrating the ten chosen words of the event “Dis-moi dix mots”. Those ten words have the common feature of being derived from the virtual world. “Avatar, Canular, Émoticône, Fureteur, Héberger, Nomade, Nuage, Pirate, Télésnober”.
Dis-moi dix mots (Branding & Identity, 2016)
The French Ministery of Culture and Communication is celebrating the week of the French language and Francophonie. If modern French is spoken and written since the seventeenth century, it is interesting to see its adaptation to technological contexts in constant evolution. One element of the communication is the use of the Visual typeface (designed by Jan Novák), a "semi-pixel font inspired by topography".
Collaboration with Emilie Vitali
We have chosen to focus our communication on three components allowing a complementary lecture. They accompany us daily in our use of the Internet: the window, the pixel and the icon. Each of the graphic elements plays a role in the communication of the event and interacts with each other: support or frame of research (window), visual (pixel) and affective (icons). These codes, easily identifiable, allow everyone to appropriate them, whatever their level of knowledge in the computer field is.
Together with the publisher of the French national education - Canopé - we worked on a series of ten posters illustrating the ten chosen words of the event “Dis-moi dix mots”. Those ten words have the common feature of being derived from the virtual world. “Avatar, Canular, Émoticône, Fureteur, Héberger, Nomade, Nuage, Pirate, Télésnober”.